[XeTeX] Your advice for generation of tables/forms with decorations?

André Bellaïche abellaic at math.jussieu.fr
Thu Apr 28 11:27:22 CEST 2011

Use Adobe Illustrator.

Typeset the table into a one page PDF file, open the file with Illustrator, and add the decorations. Inport the decorated table using includegraphics. 

André Bellaïche

Le 28 avr. 2011 à 11:18, Kārlis Repsons a écrit :

> What would people of this list recommend on this topic:
> How to generate a table, which has numerous custom decorations? I mean, some 
> external, curved frame lines and similar internals, also a bit of embedded 
> graphics...
> Perhaps using some EPS-converted graphics, but maybe also writing 
> with something like MetaPost, not sure.
> I also wonder about pdf forms: could those be used to enter part of the output 
> data and calculate the rest within pdf, then print?
> Just where to start and what is known to be of a good use...
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