[XeTeX] Problem changing default fonts

Drébon bedouin_drebon at hotmail.com
Sun Sep 26 18:44:03 CEST 2010


     I recently tried to convert my latex documents to xelatex... I 
turned to xelatex because I needed to have some utf-8 processed things 
in the preamble.

     I encountered a problem with converting the font choices I made. I 
used the following packages :











The first group of packages are used to change the fonts. But if I use 
the xltxtra package, they have no effect.

On the other hand, if I do not use xltxtra package, the œ character is 
not accepted and thus 'cœu' becomes 'ceur'...

I am looking for a solution letting me define the same outlooks as 
before but with xelatex and that accepts the œ character.

As anyone such a solution ? Thank you.

Best regards, D.

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