[XeTeX] Multiple citation styles in a single document

Gerrit Glabbart g.glabbart at googlemail.com
Mon Sep 20 20:36:43 CEST 2010

Am 20.09.2010 um 19:18 schrieb Gareth Hughes:

>>> From the manual: »This information may be used to switch
>>> hyphenation patterns *and localize strings in the bibliography*.«
>>> Also peruse the options on page 41, namely ›clearlang‹ and ›babel‹.
>>> ›babel=other‹ will enclose the entry in an otherlanguage
>>> environment.
>> So, »editor« becomes »Herausgeber« in German, for instance, ›pp.‹
>> becomes ›S.‹ and so forth. I’m not sure what you mean by
>> ›bibliographical style variants based on the language‹; surely, the
>> bibliography should be as consistent as possible?
> I didn't realise that that field operated on localisation strings too.
> That's good news. However, I don't believe that it is able to change
> inner quotes (seeing as outer quotes should be of the bibliography
> language), or punctuation. In English, we write <title>: <subtitle> or
> <title>. <subtitle>, but, in French, we write <title> : <subtitle>. Can
> this be controlled by use of the hyphenation field?

if you use the csquotes package, then yes, quotes are adapted as per language rules, iirc. To what extent punctuation is also adapted — I dunno. I wouldn’t be surprised if it were, though; the package is quite capable and clever, as must be its author! Said author has also provided a 200+ page, searchable, manual in pdf format.

— Gerrit.

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