[XeTeX] Navigation links not active with beamer and xelatex

R (Chandra) Chandrasekhar chyavana at gmail.com
Sun Sep 19 20:18:54 CEST 2010

On Saturday 18 September 2010 08:40 PM, Vafa Khalighi wrote:
> I gave up using beamer since the new maintainers have broken a lot of
> things in beamer and I am writing my own class for producing presentations.

Are you forking out from beamer or are you re-writing from scratch? I 
ask because I think the beamer bundle is very powerful, very 
customizable, and yet very convenient to use.

On another note, I have upgraded to TeX Live 2010 and can confirm that 
the reported problem still exists.

Moreover, I also get the new error

** WARNING ** Obsolete four arguments of "endchar" will be used for Type 
1 "seac" operator.
** ERROR ** This font using the "seac" command for accented characters...

Output file removed.
Error 256 (driver return code) generating output;

which, when googled, was reported as far back as 2006. Unfortunately, I 
am unable to reproduce the error in a minimal example.

I think that there might be a problem with dvipdfmx because the .xdv 
file is compiled error-free with xelatex.

Finally, when I ran the same beamer .tex file through lualatex, it 
compiled error-free and the navigation links work as expected.

Kudos to all the folks who have made TeX Live 2010 such a pain-free 
experience when upgrading, and also for fontspec and lualatex to work 
out of the box.

Thank you.


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