[XeTeX] wspr's realscripts & updated xelatex templates

Will Robertson wspr81 at gmail.com
Wed Sep 15 10:08:50 CEST 2010

On 2010-09-15 04:19:40 +0930, Khaled Hosny 
<khaledhosny at eglug.org> said:

> On Tue, Sep 14, 2010 at 10:44:06AM -0400, Joel C. Salomon wrote:
>> I’ve not been following the recent back-and-forth regarding which
>> XɘLaTeX packages are now obsolete, and which are compatible with LuaLaTeX.
>> Right now my personal style files files have lines like these:
>> 	\ifxetex
>> 		\RequirePackage{fontspec, xunicode, xltxtra}
>> 	\fi
>> 	\ifluatex
>> 		\RequirePackage{fontspec}
>> 	\fi
>> Am I missing something here?  Where does realscripts fit in?

The xltxtra documentation isn't that complex, is it? :) This is what 
the readme says:

- Loads fontspec and Ross Moore's xunicode automatically.

- Loads Andrew Moschou's metalogo package for \XeTeX and \XeLaTeX logos.

- Loads the fixltx2e package and patches other LaTeX commands:
  \textsuperscript & \textsubscript:
     now use fontspec to access
     real superior/inferior characters,
  \showhyphens: now works,

- Defines the dubiously useful commands
     \vfrac - for vulgar fractions with fontspec
     \namedglyph - to access font glyphs by name

Of these, #1 is covered just by \usepackage{fontspec}, #2 you can do on 
your own if you need it, #3(a) is what realscripts does (for XeLaTeX or 
LuaLaTeX), #3(b) isn't used often, and #4(a,b) are probably never used.

When I have a moment I'll remove the code from xltxtra that does #3(a) 
and just load the realscripts package instead.

Long story short, I'd recommend these days just loading fontspec and 
seeing if that works for you :)

> Remove xltxtra, add realscripts (if you need its functionality, but
> usually the fonts are broken so it does not work the way it should), now
> if you need the extra logos, load one of the packages that provide
> extra tex logos, hologo for example.

I wouldn't say the fonts are "usually" broken, but they are broken 
often enough that doing it automatically in fontspec would be a bad 


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