[XeTeX] Invalid fontname

Mike Maxwell maxwell at umiacs.umd.edu
Sun Sep 5 05:55:02 CEST 2010

I'm trying out some fonts for the Dhivehi language, which has a unique 
script.  The fonts were created by the Maldives Ministry of 
Communication, Science, and Technology.  However, that website has been 
down for at least a week, so I got them from
The fonts in question are the 'Mv Elaaf Normal', the 'Mv GroupX Avas', 
and the 'Mv Lady Luck'.  I can't get any of them to work with XeLaTeX, 
which complains that there is an "Invalid fontname."

The code which calls the font in question is the ff:
\newfontinstance\dhivehifontA{Mv Elaaf Normal}
\newcommand{\dhiA}[1]{{\newfontinstance\dhivehifontA #1}}
\dhiA{ޓީވީއެމް އާއި ދިވެހިރާއްޖޭގެ އަޑުގެ ނަން ބަދަލުކޮށްފިއެވެ.}

(If those characters don't come out in your email, it's because you 
don't have a font for Dhivehi installed!)

I'll excerpt what I think are the relevant parts of the log file here, 
since it's rather long:
Package fontspec Info: Defining font family for 'Mv Elaaf Normal' with 
options [] on input line 10.
Package fontspec Info: Could not resolve font Mv Elaaf Normal/B (it 
might not exist) on input line 10.
Package fontspec Info: Could not resolve font Mv Elaaf Normal/I (it 
might not exist) on input line 10.
Package fontspec Info: Could not resolve font Mv Elaaf Normal/BI (it 
might not exist) on input line 10.
! Font \zf at basefont=Þ“ at 12.0pt not loadable: Metric (TFM) file or 
installed font not found.
\zf at fontspec ...ntname \zf at suffix " at \f at size pt
                                                   \unless \ifzf at icu 
\zf at set@...
l.28 ...‚Þ¦Þ‚Þ° ބަދަލުކޮށްފިއެވެ.}
I believe it's correct about the non-existence of the Bold and Italic 
versions of font.

There was a thread a year ago, see
but afaict, the problem there is different.

fc-list finds the font ok.  I have also tried adding
\fontspec[ ExternalLocation=/groups/opt/share/fonts/, \
UprightFont=MvElaafNormal.otf.ttf ]{Mv Elaaf Normal}
before the \newfontinstance command, but I get the same error. Leaving 
out the name-internal spaces in the \newfontinstance command also 
results in the same error.

'otfinfo' reports:
Family:              Mv Elaaf Normal
Subfamily:           Normal
Full name:           Mv Elaaf Normal
PostScript name:     MvElaafNormal
Version:             1.0
Unique ID:           Sehga Elaaf Regular
Manufacturer:        M.A.Gadir
Tel 31 33 99
Copyright:           M.A.Gadir for Sehga Soft. Tel 31 33 99

Am I doing s.t. wrong, or is there a problem with these fonts?
	Mike Maxwell
	maxwell at umiacs.umd.edu
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