[XeTeX] arabic

Ulrike Fischer news3 at nililand.de
Thu Oct 21 09:17:05 CEST 2010

Am Thu, 21 Oct 2010 00:20:47 -0400 schrieb Kamal Abdali:

> But here's a serious problem. My suggestion to Houda was that it might be
> worthwhile to try xepersian or polyglossia, since these will use the Persian
> words for "chapter", "contents", etc. But running the polyglossia code, I
> notice that an index is generated only if the language declaration specifies
> that Western numerals be used. That is,
>                    \setmainlanguage[numerals=western]{farsi}


> If the western numerals are not specified, this is what Makeindex says:
> Scanning input file xetexQ5.idx...done (0 entries accepted, 1 rejected).
> Nothing written in xetexQ5.ind.
> Makeindex reads the idx file for sorting the indices. Probably, it finds the
> non-Western numerals undecipherable.

Yes, makeindex needs to understand numbers to be able to build page
ranges and sort the page numbers. As default it understands the
standard digits, alphabetic and roman page numbers. 

If you would redefine \thepage to e.g. \renewcommand\thepage{Page
\arabic{page}} you would run into problems in an english document

I would suggest that you try xindy. 

Ulrike Fischer 

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