[XeTeX] [texlive] opentype fonts from $TEXMFLOCAL

Wilfred van Rooijen wvanrooijen at yahoo.com
Thu Mar 25 08:12:24 CET 2010

Hello Diederick,

The 'fc-cache' command will only cache the fonts in the 'system font directories'. I don't know where and exactly those directories are defined, but it may well be that the $TEXMFLOCAL is not one of those system directories. Then, fc-cache simply does not cache the fonts there and then they also don't show up using 'fc-list'.

On linux a simple trick is to start OpenOffice and see if the requested font shows up in the list. I don't know if the same trick works on Windows, though.

Furthermore, the fonts can have various "identification strings". Xetex uses a specific one of these. From the error, it may be that you are requesting a font but using the wrong identifier.


--- On Thu, 25/3/10, Diederick C. Niehorster <dcnieho at gmail.com> wrote:

> From: Diederick C. Niehorster <dcnieho at gmail.com>
> Subject: [XeTeX] [texlive] opentype fonts from $TEXMFLOCAL
> To: "Unicode-based TeX for Mac OS X and other platforms" <xetex at tug.org>
> Date: Thursday, 25 March, 2010, 2:59 PM
> Hi All,
> Just yesterday I moved from miktex to texlive 2009 (fresh
> install,
> fully updated). I'm having trouble with XeTeX not detecting
> the
> opentype fonts i put in $TEXMFLOCAL
> (C:\texlive\texmf-local\fonts\opentype and underlying
> folders). I ran
> fc-cache on that folder with the --verbose switch. The
> first time i
> run it, it tells me it is caching the fonts in all the
> subdirectories,
> the second time it tells me it is skipping them as they are
> already in
> the cache, so that seems to have worked correctly. However,
> when I run
> "fc-list > fc.log" and search in that text file (no grep
> on windows
> for as far as i know) I find no references to the fonts
> that were just
> cached. XeLaTeX aborts with the following error:
> ----
> kpathsea: Invalid fontname `Arno Pro', contains ' '
> ! Font \zf at basefont="Arno Pro" at 10.0pt not loadable:
> Metric (TFM) file or ins
> talled font not found.
> \zf at fontspec ...ntname \zf at suffix " at \f at size pt
>   \unless \ifzf at icu \zf at set@...
> l.103 \setromanfont[Ligatures=Common]{Arno Pro}
> ----
> This must be some basic mistake, but after 2 hours of
> googling, I have
> decided to ask it on the list here. I'd like to keep my
> fonts in
> $TEXMFLOCAL so they stay with updates (hope I understood
> that
> correctly) and I'll only want to use them from XeTeX.
> What's the trick?
> Best and thanks,
> Dee
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