[XeTeX] Current state of CJK support
Wilfred van Rooijen
wvanrooijen at yahoo.com
Mon Mar 8 05:04:16 CET 2010
Hi all,
> Why is this un-TeX ?
> If it is definable then it should be programmable in TeX.
> There is a TeX command \nobreak which is meant
> to bias against
> a linebreak occurring at the point where it occurs in the
> input.
> It ought to be possible to use
> \XeTeXinterchartoks to insert
> \nobreak immediately before a given character,
> within a
> specified context.
Sorry, I read the original post as if to say "impossible to start a sentence with a certain character", for which I would say that it is up to the user to make sure that that character does not appear as the first character of a sentence (as opposed to Word etc which sometimes automagically change the first letters or characters of a sentence). When the question is whether a character cannot be the first on a line, then I would say that hyphenation rules etc would take care of it. In the case of "small yo", as in でしょ , as opposed to ですよ , some fonts may include ligatures (some guru please advise)? In Japanese alphabets these combinations with "small characters" (sorry, I forgot the real name) are usually interpreted as being one character.
> Indeed the whole TeX concept of \penalty is to
> allow you to bias the
> line-breaking and page-breaking algorithms, so as to
> achieve whatever
> you want, whilst letting TeX do the heavy work of
> optimising details
> of the visual appearance of your pages.
> >
> > Cheerio,
> > Wilfred
> Hope this helps,
> Ross
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> Ross Moore
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