[XeTeX] problems with some fonts

Ernest Adrogué eadrogue at gmx.net
Tue Jul 27 02:28:18 CEST 2010

23/07/10 @ 17:45 (+0200), thus spake Peter Dyballa:
> Am 23.07.2010 um 11:21 schrieb Ernest Adrogué:
> >This is what I get:
> >
> >$ fc-list : file family fullname | grep -i beteckna
> >/usr/share/fonts/truetype/beteckna/
> >BetecknaLowerCaseItalicCondensed.ttf:
> >BetecknaLowerCase:fullname=BetecknaLowerCase
> >/usr/share/fonts/truetype/beteckna/BetecknaLowerCaseItalic.ttf:
> >BetecknaLowerCase:fullname=BetecknaLowerCase
> >/usr/share/fonts/truetype/beteckna/BetecknaLowerCase.ttf:
> >BetecknaLowerCase:fullname=BetecknaLowerCase
> >/usr/share/fonts/truetype/beteckna/BetecknaLowerCaseBold.ttf:
> >BetecknaLowerCase:fullname=BetecknaLowerCase
> >/usr/share/fonts/truetype/beteckna/
> >BetecknaLowerCaseBoldCondensed.ttf:
> >BetecknaLowerCase:fullname=BetecknaLowerCase
> Obviously the five different font files contain all the same font...
> At least the full name does not distinguish between the possible
> variants (which libfontconfig sees when it outputs the style
> variants). You could change the font files to have better full names
> (possible problem with font license), you could use anllther set of
> fonts, or you could create your own font set in fontspec by telling
> it the full path names and giving for each variant (regular, bold,
> italic, bold italic) this path name accordingly, something like the
> following with path names instead of font names:
> 	\newfontfamily\cjkfont[ItalicFont=HiraKakuPro-
> W3,ItalicFeatures={RawFeature=+ital},BoldItalicFont=HiraKakuPro-
> W6,BoldItalicFeatures={RawFeature=+ital},BoldFont={HiraMinPro-W6}]
> {HiraMinPro-W3}
> maybe without the RawFeature's which just select a particular
> feature from kind of a "font collection" file.
> >
> >>>With the Fontin font, italics work well. However
> >>>text in upright shape (in any weight) is typeset in
> >>>small caps.
> >>
> >>How do you select this shape in your source? A complete minimal
> >>example would be nice...
> >
> >I use this:
> >
> >[...]
> >
> >\textsc{Aa Ee Rr Bb}	\> \textsc{\itshape Aa Ee Rr Bb} \\
> >\textsc{Gg Jj \& ?}		\> \textsc{\itshape Gg Jj \& ?}
> >\end{tabbing}
> >\end{document}
> >
> >I said all weights in upright shape are replaced with small
> >caps, but I was wrong. It's only the medium weight.
> You're requesting SmallCaps (sc does not stand for up right shape),
> and you're getting them (when they exist)! You should be glad!

The problem is that I was getting SmallCaps also when I hadn't
requested them! Anyway, with the technique you explained above
I've been able to fix this.

It seems that fontspec gets confused with some fonts, especially
the ones that have "obliques" instead of "italics". The solution
is to put the full name of each style in fontspec.cfg.


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