[XeTeX] [OT] Free fonts for fontspec examples?

Will Robertson wspr81 at gmail.com
Thu Jul 15 07:44:08 CEST 2010

On 2010-07-14 22:24:30 +0930, "Fr. Michael Gilmary" 
<FrMichaelGilmary at maronitemonks.org> 

> Oh, good! Then, I humbly request, for the benefit of those you love on
> this list, that the next version of fontspec documentation have
> hyperlinks for ToC, etc .... Maybe you've already done this in more
> recent versions that we have here.

The new version does use hyperlinks, but I haven't had time to make the 
output look really nice. Captions for figures/tables and for examples 
aren't consistent, and even the ToC needs adjusting because the section 
numbers are too long. (And the hyperlinking for cross-referencing is a 
bit all over the place because I'm not using refstyle when I should be.)

As always, if you see things in the manual that could be easily fixed, 
I will happy accept contributions. Things like the ToC and caption 
formatting only takes a few minutes, but it's the context switching 
that kills my time so I never get around to looking at such 
important-but-mundane details.


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