[XeTeX] Unable to use XeLaTeX correctly upon TexLive2008 Install

Wilfred van Rooijen wvanrooijen at yahoo.com
Fri Jul 9 09:40:41 CEST 2010


The error indicates that the particular font is not found as part of the system-wide fonts. Then, xelatex tries to generate the font in the old-fashioned way, and this fails. This means that you are using the wrong name in the \fontspec command. On Linux, do:

1. run "fc-cache -fv"

This will regenerate the cache of system-wide fonts. You should see your font directory in the output. If not, that means that the font directory is skipped. In that case, you need to instruct fc-cache to include your directory in the font cache.

2. run "fc-list"

This gives a list of all recognized fonts as cached by fc-cache. Note that the name given in this list is the name you should use in the \fontspec command. The name in the font cache may be different from the filename of the corresponding OTF file.

The OTF fonts have several "identification strings", which may or may not be the same as the filename. If you really cannot get xelatex to recognize the font name, you can open the OTF file in fontconfig and look for the identification strings and try which one is correct to load the font.


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