[XeTeX] Shrink/expand page-height to fit

Ulrike Fischer news3 at nililand.de
Thu Jan 7 10:58:33 CET 2010

Am Wed, 06 Jan 2010 19:16:04 +0100 schrieb Clinton Gormley:

> Hi all
> I'm a beginner in *TEX, and I'm trying to do something which I hope is
> possible, but am not sure :)
> I need to generate PDFs, where each PDF contains a short advert which
> will appear in a newspaper.
> The column width is known beforehand, but the height isn't (other than
> an absolute maximum for the physical page height).
> So I'd like to be able to crop the page height to fit the contents,
> after the contents have been rendered.

> Additionally, I'd like to draw a border around the content, with rounded
> edges - obviously I need to know the content height before drawing this
> box.

     [background rectangle/.style=
        {double,ultra thick,draw=red,top color=blue,
         rounded corners},
      show background rectangle]
\node[use as bounding box]{\parbox{\linewidth}{\lipsum[1]abc}};



Ulrike Fischer 

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