[XeTeX] XETEX and Lilypond
Raphael Frey
freyraphael at lavabit.com
Sun Feb 28 20:48:43 CET 2010
Hello everyone,
I’m a musician and I often have to write documents including notes.
Since a while now I use Lilypond and LATEX for this purpose but I’d like
to change to XETEX because of the Open Type support. (I’m a typography
enthusiast and my preferred free font Linux Libertine has some features
[1] that cannot be accessed by LATEX.) Unfortunately lilypond-book
doesn’t work with files including XETEX source code. While looking for
some tutorials or informations on the Internet I came across this short
“tutorial” [2] in the archive of this mailing list. The technique
described there – separating the header from the rest of the document
(“main text”) – does’t seem to be a problem for lilypond-book – although
the content of the header file plus the content of the “main text” file
is identical to the single file where lilypond-book doesn’t work, what I
don’t understand. However there’s something wrong with the PDF file
generated by XETEX (respectively xelatex): the (virtual) box with the
notes doesn’t stop at the right page margin (see attached files). I also
wonder why lilypond-book works with a separate header and a “main text”
file but not with one single file including the whole source text.
The attached file test.tex is a simple LATEX file that works without any
problems. The two separated files I’d like to use with XETEX are
headers.tex and document.tex; they are nearly identical to test.tex. The
last document, headers.pdf, shows what I get when executing:
lilypond-book --output=out/ --pdf headers.tex
cd out
xelatex headers.tex
Thanks in advance for your help!
Best regards
1. http://linuxlibertine.sourceforge.net/Libertine-EN.html#opentype
2. http://www.tug.org/pipermail/xetex/2008-June/010157.html
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