[XeTeX] XeTeX documentation? (from "Checking if a font exists")

Shrisha Rao shrao at nyx.net
Tue Aug 31 13:22:31 CEST 2010

El ago 31, 2010, a las 4:43 p.m., Peter Baker escribió:

> On 8/31/10 6:51 AM, Vafa Khalighi wrote:
>> I believe that in any case the original developer should write the main documentation not anyone else simply because the original developer implemented the software and he knows absolutely every single detail about his software and what he has implemented.
> But developers are not always good writers. Our Will Robertson has produced a great manual for fontspec, but some TeX developers who have written manuals would have done better to recruit someone else to do it for them. A developer's duty is to write well commented code, and to be willing to work with writers of documentation to help them get it right.

There is an interesting paper titled "If writers can't program and programmers can't write, who's writing user documentation?" -- see http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=10563.10574.


Shrisha Rao

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