[XeTeX] No clipping support in XeTeX and \textcelsius

Wilfred van Rooijen wvanrooijen at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 13 01:23:01 CEST 2010

It seems that you want to crop the image and to only include a small portion of the image. If this is indeed your intention, then you can also crop the image with GIMP or other graphics software, and include the cropped image. 
It may also be possible to crop an image using the PGF/TikZ software in XeLaTeX, but I think that using GIMP or similar is easier.

--- On Tue, 13/4/10, Tiandao Li <litd99 at gmail.com> wrote:

From: Tiandao Li <litd99 at gmail.com>
Subject: [XeTeX] No clipping support in XeTeX and \textcelsius
To: xetex at tug.org
Date: Tuesday, 13 April, 2010, 4:22 AM


I had a xetex file with graphics, and I try to use the trim function in \includegraphics

\usepackage[cm-default]{fontspec} % provides font selecting commands
%\usepackage{xunicode}% provides unicode character macros
%\usepackage{xltxtra} % provides some fixes/extras

\includegraphics[trim=0mm 10mm 15mm 0mm, clip]{gel/20100222.jpg}

The log file always show the following error msg:

Package xetex.def Warning: No clipping support in XeTeX yet on input line 207.

So there is still no clip support now or in the near future? Is there any other ways to work around it?

Another question, I used textcomp package, so I can use \textcelsius for temperature. However, the PDF file only show a square in the place of C. after I commented out packages of xunicode and xltxtra. textcomp package works fine. Why?



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