[XeTeX] Windows XeLaTeX environment and OS/X vs. others

Karljurgen Feuerherm kfeuerherm at wlu.ca
Thu Sep 10 00:11:32 CEST 2009

Vielen Dank auf diese ausführliche Antwort!
Mit freundlichem Gruß,
Karljürgen G. Feuerherm, PhD
Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies
Wilfrid Laurier University
75 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3C5
Tel. (519) 884-1970 x3193
Fax (519) 883-0991 (ATTN Arch. & Classics)

>>> Peter Dyballa <Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE> 09/09/2009 3:21 pm >>>

Am 09.09.2009 um 19:33 schrieb Karljürgen Feuerherm:

> 1. I am currently using a Windows XP environment. I've been using
> TeXMakerX to write my documents. Generally works well, a bit of a
> problem with cursor placement at times, and not too good when I 
> used RTL
> text (Hebrew in my case). TeXnicCenter is out, it seems, can't deal 
> with
> Unicode (ideally I need to access Plane 1 as well as BMP). Can
> suggest additional alternatives I should consider?

TeXworks? http://tug.org/texworks/ 

> 2. Between this and other things I wish to pursue (yacc, compilers,
> etc.) seems like I should consider getting a hold of a Unix 
> environment.
> Can someone tell me to what extent OS/X is Unix--dialect thereof, 
> clone,
> will work or won't work like? Down the road I can either replace
> laptop with a Mac and/or I can set up a Linux box perhaps.... (I'm
> finding resources for Windows in all cases pretty hard to come

Mac OS X is based on FreeBSD 5 and comes with many adapted GNU 
utilities. On the command line you can get a feeling of this. Mac OS 
X comes with a Developers Metapackage containing GCC, gmake, yacc, 
etc. And also X11. A MacBook Pro offers superbe hardware. It has a 
dual core processor. This means that you can run on one core some MS 
Losedos or Linux or Solaris or ... and on the other Mac OS X. Apple's 
Bootcamp software creates an environment with a BIOS instead of EFI. 
Parallels Desktop (http://www.parallels.com/) allows to run other 
operating systems, and now even VMware Fusion is available for the

Buy a Mac and you'll have MS, Linux, *and* Mac OS X!

Mit friedvollen Grüßen


"What do you think of Western Civilisation?"
"I think it would be a good idea!"
Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi

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