[XeTeX] Devanagari Ligature Problem Resolved --- Now Hyphenation

Yves Codet ycodet at club-internet.fr
Wed Oct 7 09:53:37 CEST 2009


Le 6 oct. 09 à 13:13, Neal Delmonico a écrit :

> Greetings,
> Thanks for the help.  I think this will work for me once I discover  
> a good way of inputing text.  I am currently playing with the  
> Inscript keyboard for Indic Languages.  The arrangement is so far a  
> mystery to me. but I guess as I get used it, it will become easier.   
> I doubt, though, that I will ever have the facility with that that I  
> currently do with the Velthuis scheme.  Anyway, it is definitely  
> workable.  Maybe someday when I have some extra time I will try to  
> create a velthuis-bengali.tec or my own custom keyboard to input  
> both Sanskrit and Bengali.

I think Inscript is handy for Indian users, who have a quite different  
physical keyboard. Maybe you can find something convenient here (I  
couldn't try myself):


There's also this tool to create your own keyboard layout:


but I don't know how easy (or difficult) to use it can be.

> I had trouble installing Code2000 and had to give up on it for now.   
> There was some sort of error while unpacking it.  Fortunately, I  
> found another font that looks like it will work as well called  
> FreeSerif.  It apparently has a script for Bengali like Code2000  
> does.  I have not tried it yet, but the error message no longer  
> appears when I run xelatex.

Maybe the file was corrupted during download.

> One small matter, if you don't mind.  Is there anyway to set the  
> larger baseline so that it only occurs in the Sanskrit and Bengali  
> sections?  It definitely improves the appearance of those portions  
> of the text while making the English passages look odd.

You could use the package "setspace". Instead of, say:

\newcommand{\skt}[1]{{\begin{sanskrit} #1\end{sanskrit}}}
\renewcommand{\baselinestretch}{1.2} % delete this because it affects  
the whole document

you would have:




if you want larger characters.



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