[XeTeX] POLYGLOSSIA with Hebrew

sjo sjo222 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 5 04:01:13 CET 2009

2009/4/29 François Charette <firmicus at ankabut.net>:
>> Question 1: \section{\RL{\hfd להשוות אותם כלל}} will create a section
>> heading but the number is arabic not hebrew. Is there a similar
>> \renewcommand for sections and footnotes? Page numbers? etc. I did not
>> see this in the polyglossia manual.
> Same thing:
> \renewcommand{\the<counter>}{\alph{<counter>}}
> where <counter> can be section, footnote, page, etc.

I just saw your response now and tried it out.

\renewcommand\theenumi{\alph{enumi}}%For Hebrew numbering of enumeration

The above works well (except that the code for the numbers 15, 16 etc
still has to be fixed).


Section and Page don't work with for me. I get an X with a box around
it where the section and page numbers should appear.

I have the latest bidi, I believe, and poylglossia is v1.0.2 according
to C:\Program Files\MiKTeX 2.8\doc\xelatex/polyglossia/README  (Is
there some way to tell what version of a package is actually run?).

Thank you for the help.


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