[XeTeX] XeTeX doesn't compile (Snow Leopard)

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Mon Nov 2 22:59:31 CET 2009

Am 02.11.2009 um 20:54 schrieb Mojca Miklavec:

> It would be nice to apply the patch is some form, but the fix for Snow
> Leopard needs to be deeper than just fixing a few lines it seems.

The patch question is quite easy to handle: save the text in a file,  
for example XeTeX-SL.patch (would allow to add some more) or  
XeTeX_mac-loadAATfont.patch, the specialised patch file. In latter  
case the act of patching or applying the patch could be from the  
xetex directory, which contains, among others, the directories texk  
and Work and also the patch file:

	patch texk/web2c/XeTeX_mac.c XeTeX_mac-loadAATfont.patch

(i.e., patch <the file to be patched> <from the file containing the  
patch>). The patch programme automatically creates a backup file,  
<the file to be patched>.orig.

In the former (patch) case you would just invoke from the same xetex  

	patch -p0 < XeTeX-SL.patch

provided the path name of the files to be patched are saved in the  
patch file as texk/web2c/... etc., i.e., the are *relative* path  
names from the shell's current working directory.

It's unlikely that you can destroy an original source file. Patch by  
default creates a backup file. In case you notice that some failure  
happened you can rename the *.orig files to their original name  
without the .orig extension. Or update the now faulty software which  
should remove all failures. Or download the whole software again...

Now, to check what the C compiler finally would have to compile, you  
would have to change directory (cd) into the Work/texk/web2c  
directory. From there the compilation of XeTeX_mac.c happens. But it  
can be simplified! The original invocation was:

	gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H  -I. -I../../../texk/web2c -I.. -I../../../texk/ 
web2c/..    -I../../libs/icu-xetex/common -I../../../texk/web2c/../../ 
libs/icu-xetex/common -I../../../texk/web2c/../../libs/icu-xetex/ 
layout -DLE_USE_CMEMORY -I../../../texk/web2c/../../libs/teckit/ 
source/Public-headers -DHAVE_CONFIG_H  -I. -I../../../texk/web2c -I..  
-I../../../texk/web2c/..    -DXETEX_MAC -c ../../../texk/web2c/ 
xetexdir/XeTeX_mac.c -o XeTeX_mac.o

which can be changed (and simplified) to:

	gcc -DHAVE_CONFIG_H -I. -I../../../texk/web2c -I.. -I../../../texk/ 
web2c/.. -I../../libs/icu-xetex/common -I../../libs/icu-xetex/layout - 
DLE_USE_CMEMORY -I../../../libs/teckit/source/Public-headers - 
DHAVE_CONFIG_H -DXETEX_MAC -c ../../../texk/web2c/xetexdir/ 
XeTeX_mac.c -H -E -dD -o XeTeX_mac-SL.cpp

Could you send me the output file XeTeX_mac-SL.cpp and the output  
generated by gcc? The latter should look like

	. ./xetexd.h
	.. ../../../texk/web2c/texmfmp.h
	... ../../../texk/web2c/cpascal.h
	.... ../../../texk/web2c/config.h
	..... ../../../texk/web2c/../kpathsea/config.h
	...... ../kpathsea/c-auto.h
	...... ../../../texk/web2c/../kpathsea/c-std.h
	....... /usr/include/math.h
	.. /System/Library/Frameworks/QuickTime.framework/Headers/HIMovieView.h
	. ../../../libs/teckit/source/Public-headers/TECkit_Engine.h
	.. ../../../libs/teckit/source/Public-headers/TECkit_Common.h
	. ../../../texk/web2c/xetexdir/XeTeXswap.h
	.. ../../libs/icu-xetex/common/unicode/platform.h
	... /usr/include/inttypes.h

Since this will be a few MB it's better to send me all privately.

   Pete       o        __o         |__    o           recumbo
     ___o    /I       -\<,         |o \  -\),-%       ergo sum!
___/\ /\___./ \___...O/ O____.....`-O-'-()--o_________________

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