[XeTeX] lacking precomposed character

jadolov k jadolov.chat at gmail.com
Mon May 18 15:58:56 CEST 2009

Hi to all,What I need to obtain is a certain character with the macro sign
above it (namely, a schwa with a macron, that serves to the transliteration
needs for Ancient Indonesian). However, the Unicode standard lacks a
precomposed entry for that character. Still, with the package *Xunicode* I
can use the command *\=* to add a combining unicode compliant macron sign to
any character (can't I?). The problem is that the font I use (Minion Pro)
does not have a good combining macron glyph. Therefore, when I
* I obtain only this *<something_strange>* followed by a null character
instead of being "covered" with a macron.
So, my question is: is there some way to substitute the glyph used by
Xunicode as the macron sign? something similar to the command *
\textsuperscript** or *\fakesuperscript* provided by the package *xltxtra*.
Any idea?
Thank all the people in advance.
Artemij Keidan
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