[XeTeX] Advanced East Asian typesetting

Yves Codet ycodet at club-internet.fr
Sat May 2 19:38:30 CEST 2009


Le 30 avr. 09 à 20:57, Gerrit a écrit :

> Extremely nice would also be typesetting Mongolian and Manju, does  
> anyone know
> something about that?

I don't know much about that, but there was a short discussion last  
month about Mongolian and Manju:


I'm afraid the solution mentioned will only allow you to typeset  
short texts (less than one page). For long texts I suppose you can  
only use MonTeX at the moment, if it works for you. For me it doesn't  
work very well with the option "bithe" (Manju). When I typeset the  
attached example, I get an error:

! Undefined control sequence.
\ds at bithe ->\captionsbithe
                            \renewcommand {\today }{\BitheToday } 
l.396 \ifnum

But still there is an output if I force compilation.

Best wishes,


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