[XeTeX] Certain ligatures in Adobe Garamond Premier Pro

Rembrandt Wolpert wolpert at uark.edu
Fri May 1 18:11:52 CEST 2009

Collected Wisdom,

Adobe's Garamond Premier Pro has a set of nice ligatures, and
Xe(La)Tex with the necessary incantation

\setmainfont[Ligatures={Common,Rare}]{Garamond Premier Pro}

deals nicely with most of these -- even those which seem to have only
GIDs (ffl, for example). However, there are some particularly nice
glyphs which I wondered how to deal with more elegantly. They come up
perfectly fine with:

\newcommand{\ch}{\XeTeXglyph260} % "ligature" ch
\newcommand{\ck}{\XeTeXglyph261} % "ligature" ck
\newcommand{\ich}{\XeTeXglyph264} % "ligature" italic ch
\newcommand{\ick}{\XeTeXglyph265} % "ligature" italic ck
\newcommand{\ith}{\XeTeXglyph301} % ligature italic th

but this is rather unintuitive, disturbing (and certainly
non-portable) when typing on a book for a publisher who has finally
agreed to accept a XeLaTeX "manuscript". E.g.

\emph{{\ich}oice of {\ith}e pa{\ick}age} ...

Any hints how to get in a simpler way to these "ligatures" (I am not
sure if the ch/ck would strictly qualify as a ligature) would be most
appreciated. (Once discovered, one can't stand a "straight" ch
anymore...). A simple sed/awk/per/python/scheme script to change all
this automatically in a pre-processing swoop isn't that simple,
because we need then also to take .bbl etc files into account. (no,
not {\ith} in the title-field for a certain bibliography entry style...)

Many thanks for any ideas.


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