[XeTeX] Font Not Loadable Error

Ulrike Fischer news3 at nililand.de
Wed Jun 3 10:24:08 CEST 2009

Am Tue, 2 Jun 2009 21:22:46 +0200 schrieb Steven Woody:

> Hi,
> I am using xelatex with texlive 2008 on my windows XP system.  The
> problem is the \setromainfont and \setsansfont command, for fonts
> names I speicified for these commands, some can success but some will
> always failed.  I've checked, any font I specified for these command
> is valid in widnows's system fonts directory.
> And, the font name I used was copied from the windows's font viewer
> (the font face name).
> Please help me on tracing and resolving this problem. Thanks in advance!

Get from microsoft the font properties extension

It will add an extended properties dialog to fonts with more
accurate names of the fonts. In general the "font family name" works
best, optionally together with the font subfamily name. E.g. for
latin modern 

Latin Modern Roman
Latin Modern Roman 10 Regular

(It should also be possible to use fc-list to get all the names, but
I never really found out the correct syntax to use). 
Ulrike Fischer 

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