[XeTeX] index' proofmode and ledmac (OT)

Florian Grammel florian.grammel at gmail.com
Thu Jul 2 16:37:21 CEST 2009

I've noticed that some people in here use ledmac in combination with  
XeLaTeX. As I don't know of any specific list or forum for ledmac  
(might be we should start one?), I hope I'll be forgiven for this sort- 
of OT questions:

I'm using the index-package and xindy to build a multi-part index of  
the edition, which works fine.
But \proofmodetrue doesn‘t only put the entries in the margin, but  
also adds one oddly spaced lineskip after every line with an index- 
entry in the line-numbered text. This is  probably because the index- 
package uses the ordinary marginpar-mechanism, which is incompatible  
with ledmac.
Is there any possibility to make index use the ledsidenote-mechanism  
instead, so that proofmodetrue will give me a page-identical output?

Another question, which I've asked earlier on comp.text.tex to no  
avail is:

Some of the footnotes in the critical apparatus are very long, a few  
even filling more than one page. If I understand ledmac's manual  
correctly (do I?) paragraphed footnotes can never be broken across two  
The only solution I've found until now, is to split the long footnote  
into two completely independent edtext-commands (the second one with  
an empty lemma) by trial-and-error. This is a tedious process giving  
less-than-perfect results. If anyone has come up with a better  
procedure, I'd be more than happy to hear about it.

Best regards


Florian Grammel

Gentofte, Denmark

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