[XeTeX] problem using interchartoks

Michiel Kamermans pomax at nihongoresources.com
Thu Jan 8 03:54:11 CET 2009

Hi, I'm trying to get the following bit of xetex to work:

\documentclass[12pt, openright, a4paper]{book}


\setmainfont{Palatino Linotype}

% set up inter-charclass behaviour

\XeTeXinterchartokenstate = 1

% when going from not CJK to CJK

\XeTeXinterchartoks 0 1 = { TO_CJK1 }

\XeTeXinterchartoks 0 2 = { TO_CJK2 }

\XeTeXinterchartoks 0 3 = { TO_CJK3 }

% when going from CJK to not CJK

\XeTeXinterchartoks 1 0 = { 1TO_REST }

\XeTeXinterchartoks 2 0 = { 2TO_REST }

\XeTeXinterchartoks 3 0 = { 3TO_REST }


This is a test to see whether or not にほんご or 日本語 is properly handled.


However, running this through xelatex (XeTeX, Version 
3.1415926-2.2-0.999.7 (MiKTeX 2.7)) just shows all the text in palatino 
linotype, without any of the markers that should have been inserted... 
is there some extra command I need to issue that isn't in the xetex 
reference guide?

- Mike "Pomax" Kamermans

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