[XeTeX] url.sty and xelatex

Sven Willert swillert at geophysik.uni-kiel.de
Mon Feb 9 00:14:45 CET 2009


I am searching in the internet for quite a while now and would
like to get some hint.

I believe that url.sty is incompatible with xelatex. If that is true
and common knowledge - is there a good alternative to url.sty
or breakurl.sty to have linebreaks in URLs automatically?

Best regards,
Dr. Sven Willert
Institut für Geowisenschaften (Geophysik)
Christian-Albrechts-Universität zu Kiel
Otto-Hahn-Platz , 24118 Kiel, Germany
phone:  +49 431 880-3911
fax:  +49 431 880-4432
e-mail: swillert at geophysik.uni-kiel.de
URL:  http://www.geophysik.uni-kiel.de/

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