[XeTeX] polyglossia: \newXeTeXintercharclass undefined

Ulrike Fischer news3 at nililand.de
Tue Dec 29 10:18:52 CET 2009

Am Tue, 29 Dec 2009 11:08:13 +0600 schrieb Igor Kotelnikov:

> When I load the polyglossia package, I have the following error:
> ! Undefined control sequence.
> l.96 \newXeTeXintercharclass
>                             \xpg at normalclass
> ?
> ! Undefined control sequence.
> l.96 \newXeTeXintercharclass\xpg at normalclass
> I have installed the most recent MiKTeX 2.8. Moreover, I updated polyglossia
> to the most recent version manually since MiKTeX comes with an older version
> (dated by January 2009), which, however. has version higher number
> (  instead of currently available polyglossia 2009/11/20 v1.1.0.
> Perhaps, MiKTeX comes in wrong configuration but I don't know how to correct
> it. Transcript of compilation and source files are attached to this message.

miktex was missing the newest version of xelatex.ini. But this has
been corrected. 
It should work if you update miktex-xetex-base to the version from
23 december (and if you don't have an local version of xelatex.ini).

Ulrike Fischer 

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