[XeTeX] XeTeX/MiKTeX bug: \graphicspath does not work as intended

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Sat Dec 26 11:20:52 CET 2009

>> LaTeX Warning: File `eps/P(B).pdf' not found on input line 7..
> xelatex fails find 'P(B).pdf' for me too.

Yes, "(" and ")" in file names will evoke problems in handling these  
characters. It's likely that the file name parsing mechanism in LaTeX  
also has problems with parentheses, although MS Losedos has not... (it  
"just" forbids the use of any of these: < > : " / \ | ? *, while Mac  
OS X does not allow : because of backward compatibility with Classic  
Mac OS 8-9 and Mac OS X and any other UNIX do not allow / because it's  
the path separator; every character can be handled by "escaping" it in  
shell, but in LaTeX it must first be "escaped" from LaTeX and then in  
a form that it is also "escaped" from the shell used to find the file  
in the given path – this can become a bit complicated...)



Cabbage, n. A familiar kitchen-garden vegetable about as large and  
wise as a man's head.

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