[XeTeX] ArabXeTex: XeTeX or XeLaTex?

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Fri Dec 25 10:06:54 CET 2009

Am 25.12.2009 um 00:39 schrieb @@:

> ! Undefined control sequence.
> l.24 ...abiyaT ma`a kalimaT inklIziyaT (\textroman
>                                                   {English}).

A footnote in the documentation explains:

⁸In version ⒈0 this was called \textlatin, which was renamed  
\textroman in version ⒈⒈ But the
former conflicted with Babel, and the latter with Beamer. Hopefully  
\textLR won’t be as short-lived!

I am no user of ArabXeTeX...



$ sumascii BILL GATES
   B   I   L   L   G   A   T   E   S
  66+ 73+ 76+ 76+ 71+ 65+ 84+ 69+ 83 = 663

  and add 3 because he's Bill Gates the third.

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