[XeTeX] Mysterious nonzero lastskip

Jonathan Kew jfkthame at googlemail.com
Wed Dec 2 01:28:10 CET 2009

On 1 Dec 2009, at 22:33, Vadim Radionov wrote:

> Dear all,
> Can you explain me the strange behaviour of this short TeX script:
> % -*- tex-command: "xelatex" -*-
> \documentclass{minimal}
> \usepackage{xltxtra}
> \let\dash—
> \catcode`\—=\active
> \def—{\ifdim\lastskip>0pt\message{!!!}\showthe\lastskip\fi\dash}
> \begin{document}
> This is a test.—
> \end{document}
> In my case (XeTeX, Version 3.1415926-2.2-0.9994.1 (Web2C 7.5.6);  
> xltxtra 2008/07/29 v0.4) it executes the TRUE clause of \if with  
> message, but shows zero lastskip there.  But when I add a soft  
> hyphen in "te\-st", \if condition changes to FALSE, hence no message.
> Without xltxtra, no message in both cases (with or without soft  
> hyphen).

This seems wrong to me. Simplifying a bit by eliminating packages, and  
using only ASCII characters:



   This is a test*

still shows the same peculiar behavior; removing [EU1] eliminates it.

Inserting \relax before \ifdim, as Ross suggested, fixes the problem;  
but I don't yet understand why it's happening.


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