[XeTeX] How does xetex handle non-native imagefilessuchas eps?

Ulrike Fischer news2 at nililand.de
Sun Oct 26 10:46:16 CET 2008

Am Sat, 25 Oct 2008 23:52:06 +0000 (UTC) schrieb Yuan Qi:

>> if the conversion command can convert it to a native image format.
>> What conversion command? If you are using a "native" format, that is one
>> for which xetex has a library, no conversion is involved. Then xetex can
>> simply open it, get the size and continue with the page setting. 
>> Also \DeclareGraphicsRule isn't a command that requires something. It is
>> command that informs latex or xelatex or pdflatex how and if a certain
>> format can be handled. 
> The conversion command I was referring to is the fourth argument of  
> \DeclareGraphicsRule. On example would be {'pstopdf #1}

Ah, I understand. No this command can't be used to avoid a bb-file or
something like that. The command is inserted in the \special and it an
instruction for the driver (xdvidpfmx). It will be executed to late. 

Ulrike Fischer 

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