[XeTeX] Problem with apacite and fontspec

Erik Meijer apacite at gmail.com
Fri Oct 3 05:54:52 CEST 2008

Diederick, Ross,

Thanks for pointing this out and solving it. The next release of
apacite will include this improvement and a few other bug fixes.
I hope I'll be able to upload it soon.

Note that (as indicated in the latest release of apacite) my current
email address is apacite at gmail.com


Ross Moore wrote:
> Hi Diedrick,
> On 03/10/2008, at 2:09 AM, Diederick C. Niehorster wrote:
>> Dear Xetex Users,
>> I’ve just discovered XeteX and got very excited by it. So I decided  
>> to practice and convert a work in progress from plain LateX to  XeteX 
>> (well, just add some fontspec stuff to select a different  (OpenType) 
>> font). I ran into the following problem:
>> When both the packages apacite and fontspec are loaded and I cite  
>> more than one paper by the same authors from the same year, I get  an 
>> error message during compilation.
>> If I don’t load either apacite (just use plainnat.bst with natbib)  or 
>> fontspec, this error does not occur.
>> The error message occurring is:
>> ------
>> ! Undefined control sequence.
>> \@calc at post@scan ...fi \fi \fi \fi \fi \calc at next
>> l.16 ...e item works fine: \citet{Wertheimer1967a}
> I've tested your example and found that the incompatibility
> is triggered by the use of the  calc.sty  package,
> which is loaded by  fontspec.sty .
> More specifically,  calc.sty  changes the way  \setcounter  works.
> The programming in  apacite.sty  does not take this into account.
> The problem occurs when using \citet and other \cite command variants
> defined by  natbib.sty , since these require significant extra parsing
> beyond what LaTeX would do without  natbib .
> Here's a simple fix that seems to work:
> \usepackage[tocbib]{apacite}
> %%  ----  RRM  2008/10/03
> %% for compatibility with calc.sty
> %% we need an extra \protect as below before  \setcounter
> %%
> \renewcommand{\BCnt}[1]{\protect\setcounter{BibCnt}{#1}\protect \theBibCnt}
> \renewcommand{\BCntIP}[1]{\protect\setcounter{BibCnt}{#1}\mbox{- 
> \protect\theBibCnt}}
> \renewcommand{\BCntND}[1]{\protect\setcounter{BibCnt}{#1}\mbox{- 
> \protect\theBibCnt}}
> \usepackage[sort]{natbib}
> %\usepackage{calc}
> \usepackage{fontspec}   % provides font selecting commands
>  ...
> This avoids \setcounter being expanded too early, at a place
> where it isn't actually being used.
> All still works correctly at the place where it *is* required.
> An alternative solution, and perhaps a better one, would be
> to have made the commands  \BCnt  \BCntIP  \BCntND  robust
> in the first place; e.g.  apacite.sty   should use
>  \DeclareRobustCommand{\BCnt}[1]{\setcounter{BibCnt}{#1}\theBibCnt}
>  \DeclareRobustCommand{\BCntIP}[1]{\setcounter{BibCnt}{#1}\mbox{- 
> \theBibCnt}}
>  \DeclareRobustCommand{\BCntND}[1]{\setcounter{BibCnt}{#1}\mbox{- 
> \theBibCnt}}
> You can patch this solution cleanly into existing documents,
> as follows:
> \usepackage[tocbib]{apacite}
> \DeclareRobustCommand{\robustBCnt}[1]{\setcounter{BibCnt}{#1}\theBibCnt}
> \DeclareRobustCommand{\robustBCntIP}[1]{\setcounter{BibCnt}{#1}\mbox{- 
> \theBibCnt}}
> \DeclareRobustCommand{\robustBCntND}[1]{\setcounter{BibCnt}{#1}\mbox{- 
> \theBibCnt}}
> \let\BCnt\robustBCnt
> \let\BCntIP\robustBCntIP
> \let\BCntND\robustBCntND
> \usepackage[sort]{natbib}
> %\usepackage{calc}
> \usepackage{fontspec}   % provides font selecting commands
>  ...
> Furthermore, if a future version of   apacite.sty  makes its own fix,
> as suggested above, then documents with this modification should  continue
> to work properly.  However, a danger is if  \BCnt  \BCntIP  \BCntND
> are changed in a *different way*, to solve this or any other problem.
> This analysis is based on:
> \ProvidesPackage{apacite}
>    [2007/09/03 v4.00 APA citation]
> which is the latest version available at CTAN.
>> ------
>> This error is not specific to the two papers I cite in the example,  
>> it occurs with others also.
>> Any ideas on how to fix this or is this a bug incompatibility in  one 
>> of the packages that has to be fixed?
> Hope this helps,
>     Ross
>> Thanks,
>> Diederick
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Ross Moore                                       ross at maths.mq.edu.au
> Mathematics Department                           office: E7A-419
> Macquarie University                             tel: +61 (0)2 9850 8955
> Sydney, Australia  2109                          fax: +61 (0)2 9850 8114
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------

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