[XeTeX] XeTeX and Figures with Captions = No Document properties in Acrobat

Akira Kakuto kakuto at fuk.kindai.ac.jp
Wed Nov 26 02:11:09 CET 2008

>I am trying to compile a document using Xetex with 'figures' within MikTeX.
>When I add a caption to my figure it removes the PDF document
>properties.(Please check File->properties within Acrobat 8.0)
>Please note the document properties stays fine if there is no caption.
>Did anyone experience this?
>Please Compile the following in Xetex and check whether its happening to you.
>%!TEX TS-program = xelatex
>%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
>\special{pdf: docinfo <<
>    /Author        (Joe Python)
>    /Title        (My figure)
>    /Keywords    (docinfo,xetex, figures)
>    /Subject    (Unable to view PDF properties in Adobe acrobat when
>using figure with CAPTION)
>    >>}
>%/Title        (Pdf document info within xetex using figures)
>% using \caption will clear document properties
>\caption{My figure}

PDF document properties are not removed if enclosed by
\AtBeginDvi{ ... }

%!TEX TS-program = xelatex
%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode
\AtBeginDvi{% ------------ Added
\special{pdf: docinfo <<
    /Author        (Joe Python)
    /Title        (My figure)
    /Keywords    (docinfo,xetex, figures)
    /Subject    (Unable to view PDF properties in Adobe acrobat when
using figure with CAPTION)
%/Title        (Pdf document info within xetex using figures)
}% ----------------------- Added

% using \caption will clear document properties
\caption{My figure}

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