[XeTeX] Charis SIL glyph variants

Will Robertson wspr81 at gmail.com
Fri Nov 21 17:25:06 CET 2008

On 21/11/2008, at 7:42 PM, Benct Philip Jonsson wrote:

> \newfontfamily\titus[ItalicFont=[FakeSlant=0.2]{Titus Cyberbit}] 
> {{Titus Cyberbit}}
> % I'm sure this is not the correct way to nest the
> % commands!

Not quite; I toyed with such an interface but it's not very pretty.  
Note that that wouldn't work because the first closing bracket would  
pair with the first opening bracket ( [ItalicFont=[FakeSlant=0.2] )  
and you'd end up with unmatched text ( {Titus Cyberbit}] ) before the  
final argument. Getting *that* to work correctly would be rather  
tricky :)

However, you should be able to write
Cyberbit},ItalicFeatures={FakeSlant=0.2}]{Titus Cyberbit}

> BTW would XeTeX tolerate Unicode characters in
> command names so that I can use \ŋ ?

You can write single-letter command names with basically any unicode  
character (so \ŋ itself would be okay), but multi-letter command names  
can only be composed of characters that are assigned a catcode of 11,  
which is only [a-zA-Z] by default (so \ŋz would not be okay unless you  
wrote \catcode`\ŋ=11 beforehand).

Hope this helps,

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