[XeTeX] Fontspec Bug

Heba Soliman Heba.soliman at hindawi.com
Wed Nov 19 08:21:49 CET 2008

Dear Mr Will:

First of all thank you for your hard efforts in improving the fontspec 

Second I have a big problem that is related to my work so I need please 
a quick answer.

The problem is that I am writing an arabic article and the diacritics in 
some places are collapsed with the letters and I don't know why this 
problem generated and how to fix it, the only thing I am sure of is that 
the font has no problem as I checked with other programs as Adobe 
illustrator and this problem doesn't exist:

This is my sample file:





لمّا ألّا لمًّا آلّلًة لمُا


Please find attached the generated PDF file.

I will appreciate your quick reply. Thank you again for your efforts.

Best regards,

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