[XeTeX] xelatex using fontspec package

Karl.Sommer at dpi.vic.gov.au Karl.Sommer at dpi.vic.gov.au
Mon May 19 07:31:40 CEST 2008


I have been using latex for a few years now and recently have become 
acquainted with XeLatex through a MikTeX 2.7 installation running under 
Windows XP.

I attempted to use the fontspec package to configure some font features 
using colour as outlined in the following example.

  \usepackage{fontspec, xltxtra, xunicode}
            ]{Palatino Linotype}


Upright {\scshape Small Caps}\\
\itshape Italic {\scshape Italic Small Caps}\\
\upshape\bfseries Bold {\scshape Bold Small Caps}\\
\itshape Bold Italic {\scshape Bold Italic Small Caps}

The only font I was able to invoke \scshape successfully was "Palatino 
Linotype"  but not in "Times New Roman",   "Garamond" or "Georgia".  Does 
that mean I don't have that feature installed for those fonts?  If this is 
the case, how would I go about installing the missing features?

Dr Karl J Sommer
Department of Primary Industries
PO Box 905
Mildura, VIC, 3502, Australia 

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