[XeTeX] Font sizes and line spacings

Meho R. meho_r at yahoo.com
Fri May 16 15:23:44 CEST 2008


I have couple of questions, one is general about a typographic topic, and others are about fonts and spacing in XeTeX:

1. Which is the ideal ratio font_size/line_spacing? In some Adobe docs I saw that they mention (indirectly) 11/13 pt, 12/14 pt, 13/15 pt? On the other side, some apps automatically set 11/13.2 pt, 12/14.4 pt, 13/15.6 pt. So which one is recommended?

2. How to change/set size of main font in XeTeX and retain line spacing (I mean default LaTeX line spacing)? I know that Scale option isn't for this because it doesn't add enough line space. So, how to do it? E.g. I want Adobe Garamond Pro for main font, exactly 13pt in size, with default LaTeX line spacing for that font size.

3. Is there a mechanism to set ratios mentioned in point 1.: e.g. How to get 13/15 for Adobe Garamond Pro as main font in XeTeX? 

4. If I set \lineskiplimit to negative value (-1000) and need to set spacing manually through \setstretch command (package setspace), how to calculate ratio from 1. and 3.?

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