[XeTeX] Accented gliphs

Sven Siegmund sven.siegmund at gmail.com
Thu May 15 12:21:22 CEST 2008

Hi Jacob,

you have already postted this here on 05.05.2008 12:59. And Ulrike
answered you well, didn't she?


2008/5/15, Jacob Zimbarg Sobrinho <jzimbarg at uol.com.br>:
> Hello friends,
> I am a XeTeX (Win32) user working in the Windows Vista platform with MikTex
> 2.7 and editor WinShell. The problem I wish to address uses a minimal text
> file having the following LaTeX code:
> \documentclass[12pt]{article}
> \usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}
> \begin{document}
> Line 1: á é í ó ú à è â ê
> Line 2: \'a \'e  \'\i{}  \'o \'u \`a \`e  \^a \^e
> \end{document}
> When I compile it with standard LaTeX, I obtain the correct result:
> Line 1: á é í ó ú à è â ê
> Line 2: á é í ó ú à è â ê
> However when I compile it with XeTeX, the result is the following:
> Line 1:
> Line 2: á é í ó ú à è â ê
> In other words, the accented glyphs resulting from input in line 1 are
> missing. I do feel that XeTeX ought to be a "conservative extension" of
> standard LaTeX, and therefore something is not working properly.
> Is there a quick way to fix this problem?
> In advance I thank you very much.
> Yours,
> JZ
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