[XeTeX] FW: Incorrect page break: whose bug?
Jonathan Kew
jonathan_kew at sil.org
Tue May 13 13:50:28 CEST 2008
On 13 May 2008, at 12:34 pm, SUN Wenchang wrote:
> From: sunwch at hotmail.com
> To: miktex-users at lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Incorrect page break: whose bug?
> Date: Tue, 13 May 2008 13:32:42 +0200
> Dear All,
> The following tex file leads to an incorrect page break, no matter
> which one of latex, pdflatex, xelatex is used.
....which indicates that this is not a XeTeX issue; a general (La)TeX
list would have been a better place for it. :)
> What is wrong with it?
Your "\color{blue}" produces a \special node, and if this occurs in
vertical mode (i.e., before the paragraph has actually started), it
defeats the \section command's efforts to ensure it stays with the
following text. I haven't checked exactly what happens, but you
probably get inter-paragraph and/or inter-line glue after the
\special, and it is now separated from the \penalty that was supposed
to apply.
To correct this, try
which ensures that TeX enters horizontal mode before the \special is
generated, so that it doesn't disrupt the inter-paragraph penalties
that \section is using.
> Wenchang
> ================================================================
> \documentclass {article}
> \usepackage{color}
> \textheight 60mm
> \def\aaa{{\color{blue}\texttt{aaa}}}
> \begin{document}
> \section{page break}
> some texts. some texts. some texts. some texts.
> some texts. some texts. some texts. some texts.
> some texts. some texts. some texts. some texts.
> some texts. some texts. some texts. some texts.
> some texts. some texts. some texts. some texts.
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> some texts. some texts. some texts. some texts.
> some texts. some texts. some texts. some texts.
> some texts. some texts. some texts. s! ome texts.
> some texts. some texts. some texts. some texts.
> \section{page break}
> \aaa\
> This is an incorrect page break.
> some texts. some texts. some texts. some texts.
> some texts. some texts. some texts. some texts.
> some texts. some texts. some texts. some texts.
> some texts. some texts. some texts. some texts.
> \end{document}
> ================================================================
> 下載 Windows Live Messenger 8.5 最新版,多元溝通、盡情
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> 下載 Windows Live Messenger 8.5 最新版,多元溝通、盡情
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> <ex1.pdf><ex1.tex>
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