[XeTeX] Beamer and Hyperref in xelatex

snvv snvv101 at gmail.com
Thu May 1 00:46:58 CEST 2008

Hello and thank you for help,

I have attached five files.
1. The tex & PDF of a hyperref test. The output is the expected.
    The hyper reference to a site works. There are all inf in the properties 
section of the PDF file, and finally when you open the file it goes directly 
in presentation mode.
2. The beamer file where the problem is obvious in comparison to the hyperreff 
file. In this case I included and the log file


PS please see below answers to your questions

On Wednesday 30 April 2008 17:57:11 Ulrike Fischer wrote:
> Am Wed, 30 Apr 2008 17:28:52 +0300 schrieb snvv:
> >>> Using \def\pgfsysdriver{pgfsys-xetex.def} before the document class the
> >>> previous error is gone
> >>
> >> This shouldn't be necessary with a recent beamer/pgf.
> >
> > No but some times helps.
> >
> >>> The attached version is only one of the hundreds that I have try, but
> >>> none worked.
> >>
> >> Make a *minimal* example that demonstrates your problem. No wonder that
> >> you don't find a solution to your problems if you mix in a lot of things
> >> that only confuse you and beamer.
> >
> > The file that i attached in my previous email is a minimal one
> No it is not minimal. It loads textfit (which I don't have), natbib,
> xgreek, amsmath and tikz. All packages that probably don't have anything
> to do with your hyperref problem. It also set a font (FreeSans) that
> don't exist on my system, so I can not run the file. I also doubt that
> all the beamer settings have something to do with your problem.
> So make a minimal example. Put \listfiles at the start to get a list of
> the package versions in the log-file.

Yes you are correct. It wasn't minimal. 
I have create two new minimal files that will clarify things.
This is the first time that open a log file.
The only strange comment are :
Package hyperref Warning: Option `pdfpagelabels' is turned off
(hyperref)                because \thepage is undefined.

Hyperref stopped early
*hyperref using default driver hdvips* 

Package hyperref Warning: Unexpected value `true pdftitle'
(hyperref)                of option `colorlinks' instead of
(hyperref)                `true' or 'false' on input line 20.

I have attached the file for your reference.

> >>> \documentclass[utf8x]{beamer
> >>
> >> Don't use the utf8x option with Xelatex!
> >
> > texlive needs utf8x. It doesn't give anything with just utf8.
> "texlive" is not an application but a large bundle of applications and
> files. It doesn't make sense to say that "texlive" needs utf8x.
> And Xelatex (which is a part of texlive) don't need it and *don't like
> it*. Don't use it with xelatex!

In the past it didn't compiled the file (I think the moderncv class) with 
utf8. In this case it compiles but it gives the following warning 
"beamer-example.tex:0: ***************************(ucs) You seem to have 
loaded inputencoding utf8(ucs) (LaTeX kernel UTF-8) instead of utf8x (ucs.sty 

> (I doubt that the option does anything useful. As far as I can see it is
> not used in my version of beamer.cls. But it can only do harm with
> xelatex).
> >>>  \begingroup
> >>>   \renewcommand{\thepage}{title}
> >>>   \newpage
> >>>  \endgroup
> >>
> >> ? Has this any sense?
> >
> > No, but i tried without the "title". I thought if I set, indirectly, an
> > empty page, then hyperref would be misleaded but as they said have that
> > "bug" closed :).
> An empty page in the preamble? The document hasn't started yet.

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