[XeTeX] Is there an easy how-to use pgf with xelatex?

Axel E. Retif axel.retif at mac.com
Fri Mar 28 10:47:53 CET 2008

On  27 Mar, 2008, at 04:30, Søren Christensen wrote:

> I use komascript letter-class and have both graphicx and pgf-commands,
> what should I specify for driver?
> I downloaded the MacTex-package (.dmg) from tug (I guess its  
> TeXLive 2007,
> so maybe I need to upgrade).
> I got the error-message: "pgfsys-xetex.def" not found.
> I would like to get a hint for a solution.

pgfsys-xetex.def (yes, this is the correct driver for using pgf with  
XeTeX) comes with the pgf/TikZ distribution, not XeTeX.

I think upgrading your XeTeX is a good idea. Bruno Voisin's brief  

> Prerequisite: you need Xcode. Then:
> - Download a source tarball http://scripts.sil.org/svn-view/xetex/ 
> TRUNK.tar.gz
> extract it. Say you have a folder ~/Downloads/TRUNK.
> - Open Terminal and type:
> 	cd Downloads/TRUNK
> 	sh build-xetex
> 	sudo sh install-xetex
> You're done: updated binaries have been installed inside /usr/texbin,
> updated packages and input files have been installed at various places
> inside /usr/local/texlive/texmf-local, and all the required formats
> have been rebuilt. Beware: the compilation may take some time,
> depending on your system

But that doesn't solve your missing driver problem. For that, you  
need to update your pgf/TikZ distribution; the best is from CVS:


Follow the instructions there; for modulename use pgf. I advise you  
to install it in your ~/Library/texmf tree.



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