[XeTeX] xelatex and geometry

Ulrike Fischer news2 at nililand.de
Wed Mar 26 15:13:48 CET 2008

Am Wed, 26 Mar 2008 12:54:44 +0100 schrieb Peter Dyballa:

> Why not simply use
> 	\usepackage{geometry}
> and in cases (La|Xe)TeX cannot know which output driver will be used,  
> start with:
> 	\documentclass[dvips|dvipdfm|...]{article}

This only moves the need for a switch to the documentclass. And the
switch gets more complicated as you now will have to differenciate
between xetex/pdflatex/dvips if you don't want e.g. graphics or hyperref
to use the wrong drivers.  

I prefer to declare the driver locally only for geometry. All other
packages that I use regularly get the right driver either automatically
or have a sensible default (dvips). geometry is the only package where
the dvips-Option must be given.

Also I would find it a pity if the recommanded solution 
        (where dvixxx is your current favourite DVI driver) 
of the faq (http://www.tex.ac.uk/cgi-bin/texfaq2html?label=papersize)
wouldn't work for XeLaTeX too.   

Ulrike Fischer 

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