[XeTeX] Pitstop does not identify the XeLaTeX PDF!

Peter Dyballa Peter_Dyballa at Web.DE
Wed Mar 26 12:42:09 CET 2008

Am 26.03.2008 um 11:54 schrieb Ambika Vanchinathan:
> Does that mean that TeXShop is using xdvipdfmx engine?

TeXShop uses none. Otherwise it would have been installed. It's you  
who decides whether and which XeTeX related engine files are  
installed in ~/Library/TeXShop/Engines and made available for  
setting. Since the ("active" and inactive) names are different, you  
can install all of them. I'd recommend to change the scripts in a way  
that each one uses a specified output driver to prepared for the  
update to XeTeX 0.97 in TeX Live 2008, coming this summer. It will  
have xdvipdfmx as default output driver and xdv2pdf as an option on  
Mac OS X.

By letting the file start with

	%%!TEX TS-program = XeLaTeX-xdvipdfmx
	%%!TEX encoding = UTF-8 Unicode

or any other engine file's name, TeXShop instantly knows which engine  
is to be used for this particular file.



                   Sorry my terrible English, my native language Lisp!

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