[XeTeX] ToUnicode CMap for font "Wingdings-Regular"

Adam Twardoch list.adam at twardoch.com
Mon Jun 9 18:10:58 CEST 2008

Wingdings is not a Unicode font, it is a Symbol font. Therefore, it has 
a 3.0 (Symbol) cmap rather than a 3.1 (Unicode) cmap. But this is normal 
for a TrueType-flavored OpenType font, so XeTeX should process it 
normally and not raise warnings.


Oleg Parashchenko wrote:
> Hello,
> here is my test document:
> :::::::
> \documentclass{minimal}
> \usepackage{fontspec}
> \newfontface\wingdings{Wingdings}
> \setromanfont{Helvetica}
> \begin{document}
> {\wingdings\char232} arrow right
> \end{document}
> :::::::
> I process it under Mac OS X:
> $ xelatex --output-driver=xdvipdfmx test.tex
> The PDF document is generated correctly, with an arrow before the words
> "arrow right". However, I get in the console (not in the log file):
> ** WARNING ** Unable to read TrueType Unicode cmap table.
> ** WARNING ** Failed to load ToUnicode CMap for font "Wingdings-Regular"
> Can I suppress these messages?
> Thanks.


Adam Twardoch
| Language Typography Unicode Fonts OpenType
| twardoch.com | silesian.com | fontlab.net

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