[XeTeX] public xelatex.fmt

Jonathan Kew jonathan_kew at sil.org
Wed Jun 4 22:16:18 CEST 2008

On 4 Jun 2008, at 9:04 pm, maxwell at umiacs.umd.edu wrote:

> Bruno Voisin wrote:
>> Of course, as pointed out by Jonathan, you may have shell
>> initialization files adding another layer by redefining some of these
>> environment variables, like TEXINPUTS. Unless you really know what
>> you're doing, I would advise FWIW against this: the default setup in
>> texmf.cnf is flexible enough for most cases.
> I said in my earlier msg that we had decided to get rid of the env var
> TEXINPUTS, and just use the info in the texmf.cnf file.
> But now I remember why I had set the TEXINPUTS env var last year:  
> we need
> to tell xe(la)tex to look at an additional set of dirs, which are  
> provided
> by dblatex.  (We're creating our xetex input files from DocBook files
> using dblatex.)
> Specifically, I want to add
>    /groups/tools/dblatex-0.2.9/latex//
> to the directories that the TEXINPUTS setting inside texmf.cnf  
> supplies.
> And I'm not sure how to do that, except by the method that got me in
> trouble in the first place: setting TEXINPUTS in my .bashrc.
> AFAIK, the texmf.cnf is not a file that is read during bootup or  
> login, so
> there is no initial TEXINPUTS setting to which I could add this  
> dblatex
> directory.  That is, I can't do
>    TEXINPUTS=$TEXINPUTS:/groups/tools/dblatex-0.2.9/latex//
> in my .bashrc file.  And I don't see any command-line parameter on  
> Xetex
> that would allow me to add an additional directory.
> So is there a clean way to add an additional directory to the  

Put your dblatex/latex stuff under texmf-local/tex/latex and run  
"sudo texhash" to update the file database there, and it'll be found  

Or put a symlink to dblatex/latex into ~/texmf/tex/latex if you don't  
want to move the actual dblatex files.

No need to change TEXINPUTS, the standard value provides both  
"global" (texmf-local) and "personal" (~/texmf) places for you to put  
your own additions. Just use those.


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