[XeTeX] Jump symbol in latex

Yaniv Hollander yaniv.hollander at gmail.com
Wed Jan 23 14:57:33 CET 2008

A jump symbol is used in mathematics to represent a discontinuity of  
some physical quantity.
The help from one of the guys in the forum helped me resolve the  
problem. The command is \llbracket and \rrbracket.
Try and use it, and you will see the difference from simply typing  
'[[' or ']]'.


On Jan 23, 2008, at 3:44 PM, Wilfred van Rooijen wrote:

> Excuse my ignorance, but what is a 'jump-symbol'?
> Could you provide a web-page where it is shown? If I
> type '[[', I simply get '[[' in my pdf, which seems to
> be what you want, or am I wrong.
> Cheerio,
> Wilfred
> --- Yaniv Hollander <yaniv.hollander at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I need a help with finding the command that will
>> produce a jump
>> symbol in Latex.
>> A jump symbol looks like this: '[[', ']]'.
>> Latex provides the command \lVert and \rVert for the
>> symbol '||'. I
>> need two left brace and right brace commands the
>> will produce the
>> same thing but with '[[' or ']]' instead of '||'.
>> Thanks,
>> Yaniv                       Hollander
>> yaniv.hollander at gmail.com
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Yaniv                       Hollander
yaniv.hollander at gmail.com

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