[XeTeX] Strange Problem with xetex and Futura Font

Michael B. Trausch mike at trausch.us
Wed Jan 16 07:17:00 CET 2008

On Tue, 2008-01-15 at 19:26 -0800, Radhakrishna Valiveti wrote:
> I am using xelatex with Miktex 2.7. I have attached a small test file
> to this note. I am having a problem with "Overfull hboxes" when I use
> the futura font. This problem doesn't happen when I switch to many
> other fonts (e.g. Trebuchet MS). This particular input results in 5
> overfull hboxes (and very badly formatted text, including breaks in
> the middle of words) when I use the futura font. Can anyone help? 

There are many fonts named "Futura" on the Web.  Can you show us a PDF
sample of the output so that we can see what the problem might be?

It sounds like the font that you are using is so different from other
fonts that the typesetting engine is probably actually not able to
typeset a line the way it wants.  Are you using large words, small
column sizes, or does the Futura font that you are using have characters
that are larger than the other fonts at a given point size?

Just a few ideas...

	--- Mike

Michael B. Trausch                                   mike at trausch.us
home: 404-592-5746, 1                                 www.trausch.us
cell: 678-522-7934                       im: mike at trausch.us, jabber
Ubuntu Unofficial Backports Project:    http://backports.trausch.us/
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