[XeTeX] Opentype fonts with vrt2 + linux

Jonathan Kew jonathan_kew at sil.org
Mon Jan 14 09:14:53 CET 2008

On 14 Jan 2008, at 2:18 am, Wilfred van Rooijen wrote:

> Yeah it's the same as earlier, but for completeness,
> here is the PDF.

Very strange!

For comparison, here is what I get using the following version of  
your test file:



\fontspec[Mapping=tex-text,Script=CJK]{Kozuka Mincho Pro-VI}

% macro hacking to read the chars represented as HTML entities

This is English.

Mincho Pro-VI}

\rotatebox{-90}{This is English.


(I just added stuff to read the HTML entities as that's how the  
Japanese chars came through in email, but that's irrelevant.)

Running this with current SVN versions of xetex/xdvipdfmx, I get the  
attached PDF:

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