[XeTeX] Somes unicode letters

Jonathan Kew jonathan_kew at sil.org
Tue Jan 8 11:54:04 CET 2008

On 8 Jan 2008, at 10:28 am, Anas Ghrab wrote:

> Hello all,
> Some unicode letters do not appear in my pdf file. I do not know  
> why. For example :
> miḏrāb
> gives
> <Image 1.png>
> The letter ḏ is coded 1E0E in the unicode.

Almost certainly, the font you're using doesn't support U+1E0E. Check  
the .log file for "Missing character" warnings, or set  
\tracingonline=1 to see these in the terminal output as well.

You need to choose a font that supports all the characters you're  
trying to use... e.g., Charis SIL supports just about every accented  
Latin letter in Unicode, so that might be useful to you.


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